Study with us

Module 5 course in KZN

You can study Life Alignment with us, as well as other healing modalities as offered by our teachers and practitioners in KZN, Gauteng, the Western Cape and the Garden Route.

Anyone can learn, and anyone can practice, Life Alignment. It is also fundamentally, structurally, client-centred and empowering

You can help your clients to change their lives. Profoundly. Beautifully. Compassionately. Just by attending a few courses, memorising a few steps and body points, optionally investing in some simple light portable healing tools, and practicing regularly.

South Africa has many highly gifted teachers, who can share decades of experience with their students, and who each naturally transmit their own beautiful high healing vibes and wisdom.

 Life Alignment has a hierarchical linear series of modules that you take in order to qualify first as a practitioner, and then as an advanced practitioner. And then it also has some branches into speciality modules and skills specifically to work with organisations and homes/business premises.

The foundation course is usually 3 to 4 days long, and includes the core skills you will need throughout all the modules to practice Life Alignment. You will start to master using a pendulum and muscle testing, begin the process of guiding clients through emotional work, and begin to learn the anatomy and physiology that you need in order to work with clients.

Module 1 is a shorter course – usually two days – and includes body points that relate to specific organs, as well as techniques for flowing through energy balancing techniques that can bring deep changes for your client.

Module 2 is a five day course and gives you everything you need to guide your client skilfully through deep emotional work. You learn to work with the chakras and subtle bodies. You leave the course with a comprehensive set of body points, skill sets, and tools for energy healing.

This is about learning and attuning with the Life Alignment energies with Jeff, and is usually one or two days long. It puts the finishing touch onto your training, and gives you a chance to work in depth with the founder of Life Alignment.