Christine Hardy

La Lucia, KZN & International Teacher and Practitioner

Christine Hardy with students in Mauritius.
Christine with students in Mauritius
Christine Hardy and Nougat

My passion is to serve and uplift people’s lives. Through developing individual awareness to those who are seeking to maximize quality of all areas of their life.

Christine Hardy in healing mode with Nougat, client

One of Christine Hardy's students in Mauritius.

You can learn energy healing with Christine Hardy in-person or online.

She spends her time between La Mercy, on the KZN North Coast, Mauritius, and Perth in Australia. She has guided hundreds of students through Life Alignment courses.

Students qualify as practitioners with skillsets including: Advanced dowsing skills, spiritual coaching, distance healing, balancing the major and minor chakras, integrating the subtle energy fields and working by priority to release blockages and issues from the client’s energy fields.

Christine has a passion for helping and collaborating with people.

After experiencing my first Life Alignment session in 2002 I was so fascinated that it was possible to find emotional and physical information from my body’s energy field that I decided immediately to enrol to study the technique.

My enthusiasm, passion and inner knowing led me to a complete career change. I have been in full time practice since qualifying in January 2004.

Christine doing an energy consultation with a client at the KZN expo

Christine works with the energy of people, places and organisations, using her intuitive gifts and advanced Life Alignment skills.

Christine Hardy Learn Life Alignment online

She accepts new students a few times each year, and can take you through all the steps to becoming a practitioner at a comfortable pace.

Anyone can learn this system of healing; the results are beneficial to one and all irrelevant of where they are in their life right now or their academic background.

Previous students have included medical doctors and other mainstream and complementary health practitioners. Alongside complete novices and inquisitive clients from all walks of life and from various backgrounds.

All have one thing in common, a desire to improve their life and that of others. 

Excerpt from Christine’s Testimonials:When Leigh went to see Christine there was no discussion about what was currently happening in her life so she was absolutely astounded when Christine read out the words that had come up for her: ‘incest’, ‘belief’, ‘grief’ (three times), ‘fed-up’, ‘flirt’ and ‘incensed’.   This from 10 000 possible words.  After Leigh associated with the meaning of these words for her, Christine encouraged Leigh to release and transform the negative energy she had been holding on to that was blocking potential positive energy from flowing into her life.Read the full testimonial here.

 Countries you can train and consult in person with Christine are Mauritius, Perth in Australia and South Africa. 

 You are invited to join my Self-Discovery group on Telegram where I post inspirational and educational topics that are common issues that people struggle to bring into balance.